Container Gardening 101 app for iPhone and iPad
All you need for successful container gardening are plants, a container, potting mix, and a plan! Container gardening is the quickest and simplest way to achieve virtually instant results and enjoy plant color around your home and garden. And best of all, you can easily and inexpensively change out your containers each season to have an entire year of beautiful containers.
Container Gardening for All Seasons helps you get started by featuring:
- A detailed “recipe” for each container design, listing the specific ingredients you’ll need to create that plant combination
- A full-color photo of each container recipe
- A “plant-a-gram” for each container combination to simplify the process
- Seasonal recommendations for year-round container gardening
- Sun and shade needs
App Features:
- Clean, easy to use UI and navigation
- Browse and search functions
- Create flashcards of your favorite content for easy reference and sharing
- Adjustable text size for easier reading
- Save your favorite passages and bookmark sections
- Share with friends and family via social media and email
Don’t wait—get started container gardening today in any-sized space with Container Gardening for All Seasons